Wednesday, July 12, 2006

July 12, 2006

The booklet is done! But it's not put together. I'll save that for Saturday.

Once more, I want everyone to be thinking about their buddybunch groups. In the past, I have seen leaders plan for a whole week and use all their ideas on the first day.

I have daily quiet times with questions and Bible verses that follow the video, that should help.


1 comment:

Stacy Klatt said...

Good Job!

I have been thinking about our small group time. Sarah is going to help me come up with ideas (after she gets home from work today). I'll post the ideas after we get them worked out. I have also been giving some thought to the cabin devotional time. It is just so important to take that time to connect with the kids.

And by the way, you promised to e-mail the schedule - but no cigar. Any chance we could get a look at that before Saturday?
